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Facelift and necklift



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Facelift and necklift

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Mini facelift and face-necklift

The facelift is the most renown treatment of plastic surgery. The goal is rejuvenation of the face. The aspect of suturing the deeper tissue layers is more important than tightening the skin. The trend is towards smaller procedures with shorter downtime. I strive for a natural result.

1. Does a (mini) facelift also lift the neck?

The facelift, whereby the deeper tissue layers as well as the skin are lifted, will always have a positive effect on the neck. To what extend depends on the degree of lifting, the intensity of aging and the flexibility of the skin.
To achieve a larger effect on the neck, the scar behand the ear will be extended to the hair line. The more extended the lift, the more it will be a face-necklift. During the consultion I will make an assessment and will advise about the optimal treatment and the matching price. Your facelift will thus be customized and therefore you will not find fixed prices.

2. For whom is this treatment beneficial?

Good results are achieved with those patients who have a less defined jawline, that are not overweight and have facial skin that has good mobility. Sometimes, as described above, a more extended facelift is required to achieve the desired result.

3. Cause?

Loss of skin elasticity is a result of aging and sometimes also a result of weight loss. Decrease in elasticity of the skin combined with the influence of gravity results in deeper vertical lines around the mouth and the surplus under the jawline.

5. The surgery

The facelift incision starts in or behind the hairline of the sideburn, then runs in front of the ear and finally around the earlobe.
In the more extended face-necklift the incision will be extended behind the ear up to the posterior hairline.
For both procedures counts that the skin will be lifted in the direction of the mouth corner, the jawline and behind the ear and sometimes extended into the neck. Suturing of the deep layers will put them back in the original and youthful position. Excess skin is removed and sutured in such a way that the result looks natural and not too tight.
The surgery takes 2 to 2 ½ hours and can be performed under local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation.

7. Complications

In spite of the fact that the small blood vessels are carefully closed a bruise may appear. The chance of this happening increases with high blood pressure, coughing, pressing and with the use of anticoagulants (even though you stop taking those before surgery). In rare cases there is a need for intervention, there may be some blue discoloration of the skin that disappears by itself. Another rare problem occurs when the blood flow in the skin decreases which causes a longer healing process (this risk is related to smoking). Usually I decide not to operate on heavy smokers or I opt for a different technique. Finally an almost impossible complication which you may read about on the internet is damage to the facial nerve. This will not occur with a skilled surgeon.

Dr. Erik J.F. Timmenga

8. Photos facelift

Erik Jan Timmenga  74.jpg

9. Info

More information and photos

Comments from family and friends Go to the page
Smoking and complications Read the article
Scars Read the article
Photos before and after surgery See the album

  • © 2024 Timmenga
  • Locations: Amsterdam / Hilversum